Who We Are

Rebels with a cause.

We’re building a radically collective movement in games calling ALL voices to build a world where everyone is thriving BECAUSE of our differences, not despite them. Think about it, every good soup needs all types of flavors and textures to be delicious. So let’s make…good soup? Yeah, let’s go with that. 

At Wicked Saints, as our name suggests, we buck tradition. We challenge social and industry norms. We don't buy the whole "that's just the way things are" bit. For example, the belief that a game can't be both fun and good. Why not? Who said? Who made that rule?

As a Black/Female-led game studio, we already break the mold. Why conform when we come with an extraordinary vantage point baked-in? So, we're making a new playbook. We’re turning preconceived notions on their head–challenging the status quo.

What Makes Us Different

Behavioral Tech+Common Ground Activism+Good Stories=A Better World

Behavioral Tech

We use psychology and behavioral technology to understand how humans think and function to get to the root of what makes us human and what drives us to certain actions or inactions. 

We take this info and try to find the keys to encourage more positive behaviors and patterns for ourselves, those around us, and, ultimately…the world! 

Common Ground Activism

In today’s world, many lack an essential how-to-be-human tool: conflict transformation. Our founder's time at Nobel Peace Prize nominee org Search for Common Ground taught them this. Not flexing this compassion-filled muscle stops us from making progress on key issues like race, climate change, health, and education. We need to focus on solving problems collaboratively, attacking the issue and not the person.

Learn more about our origin story here.  

Good Stories

Good stories have always captured humanity’s deepest desires and questions, serving as a vital connection between us. 

The scene that makes you ugly cry-laugh and slap your friend. The satisfying thrill of finally defeating the evil villain and unlocking the next level. The way your heart swells when you do something meaningful—GOOD.

Good stories captivate. Good games are fun. Good people care. 

Our Values


Always act with intention.

Be clear about your goal & how it rolls up to our mission.

Be a team player–do whatever's needed.


Take big swings, learn from them, and iterate to find what works.

Leave ego at the door and never say “I told you so”.


Question norms and apply best practices thoughtfully.

Prize diversity, learn from different perspectives, and include them.

Look for double bottom lines and win-wins.


Don’t fear problems–be interested, ask for help, and love feedback.

If you disagree, ask why, listen to understand, and discover new possibilities together.


Craft your job, so you love what you do.

Celebrate little wins–in others and the game.

Be intentional about building rapport, laughing, and enjoying each other.


Common Ground Activism

We believe the best way to do good is through Common Ground Activism.  Common Ground Activism is about Stop and Go. Stop the threat of violence— whether that’s emotional, physical, or structural violence (in the form of oppression). But it’s also about Go, unlocking transformations. Our inability to deal with difference prevents us from making progress on every single issue we face. Whether it’s race issues, climate change, health, poverty, or education—we have to be able to collaboratively solve problems if we’re going to make any progress. It’s about attacking the problem, not the person.

What do you do when a bully is coming at you? Or someone is yelling hateful things to someone next to you? Our story games give you a chance to get your hero on.

How does Common Ground Activism work? It’s way more fun to play than explain. ;) 

You’re in.

Conservative? Liberal? Neither? You’re all welcome (needed in fact). Every background, creed, faith, and identity is invited. The reality is we’re not Thanos. We can’t snap our fingers and get rid of all the people we disagree with, the people we don’t like. We still have to share… well, Earth. And most likely, you’ll need these people to make widespread, lasting change. Everyone does better when we focus on our similar interests, rather than separate positions. Let’s go even farther; people with different viewpoints usually come up with genius solutions when they work together. So, no matter who you are or what your background is, you are valuable to us. We want you. 

How it all began…


Our path to world domination started with peace.

Well, more like the world’s largest peacebuilding organization, Search for Common Ground. We, the founders, spent a good portion of our careers working at this Nobel Peace Prize-nominated organization. Search tackles everything from countering violent extremism, reconciliation after genocide, prevention of mass atrocities, gender-based violence, refugee integration, and more. We watched the most hopeless situations transformed. Big or small, most problems persist because of the inability to deal with conflict constructively.

But what if instead pumping our fists and trying to tear down an existing, broken world, we had to tools to build a better one? What if we could embolden a generation in Common Ground Activism? #WorldDomination

(Photo credit: Zach Krahmer, Search for Common Ground)


Yep. We’re the founders. Y’all will blaze the trail. We’re just the ones to hand you a torch. ;)

alicia and Jess.jpg